One of the most crucial aspects of a child’s healthy growth is the formation of a good sense of self-worth. This is why finding good CBSE schools near me or the best schools in Gurgaon becomes important. These schools prioritize the overall development and well-being of students, providing them with a nurturing environment to thrive academically, physically, and socially.
Self-esteem is the ability to appreciate and value oneself, to believe in one’s abilities, and to realize what one does well. As a result, it encourages children who may not like or be adept at certain activities to try them out in the face of adversity, rather than avoiding them out of fear of failure.
Children learn and develop when they attempt new things, confront problems, and bounce back. This is why self-esteem is such a vital aspect of a child’s growth.
Children are respected and behave on their own.
They are tenacious and proud of themselves even when they make a mistake.
They develop the fortitude to make sound judgments despite peer pressure.
A lack of self-confidence and a lack of self-advocacy skills may lead to feelings of frustration, anger, anxiety or depression, as well as a lack of enthusiasm in learning. These feelings can be alleviated by establishing strong self-advocacy abilities
Spend some additional time with your child after school to show them how much you care.
. Pay attention to how hard your kid works and how brave he or she is in trying new things.
When things don’t go according to plan, encourage your youngster to try again. Your child’s resilience will be strengthened as a result.
Try offering a huge grin when you wish to join in, may help. As long as you’re smiling, you’ll attract the attention of others.
Establish open lines of communication between school and home by asking the teacher about your child’s progress. It’s also a good idea to be engaged in your child’s academics and homework if you can.
The Mount Olympus Approach
Mount Olympus School respects a child’s sense of wonder, providing him/her with time to think, observe, experiment, articulate and solve her/his problem, and make sense of the world. We aim to prepare students for the future alongside academic teaching.
The school set different goals that are manageable for the students which they can accomplish. The accomplishment boosts self esteem. Thus the school does differentiate teaching.
The school works to preserve a student’s self image
The school handles the mistakes with patience and optimism and due to it errors become learning opportunity.
Calling each student with the name
Top CBSE schools identify special strength, interests and gifts in the students and help translate those gifts into responsibilities. Because holding a responsibility and contribute for school and community, give them a sense of ownership and pride.